Saturday, August 30, 2008

on emotions

One of my friends is sad that she has once frozen her emotions due to deep pain and now she cannot call them back. She knows this is not the ways she wants to live but knows not how to
be emotional without doing harm to her sense of well being. She summerised her problems as not being able to decide what all comes to the box of herself.

There are moments when I too share this. I find myself confused before a set of problems of which I cannot decide whether My sanity is important or the solution to the problem of a friend. And most often a choice is made to solve the issue at the risk of my sanity. I saw her on the virge of insanity and could identify with her completely. But life has gifted me with options to survive. I do get drowned in the mess of the emotional complexities as before but it takes lesser time to get out. And I'm happy that people are capable of emotional depth.

A very dear friend once tole me that he had fallen in love for three times and has been in hell each time the relations brakes. But he preferred to be in hell than to be balanced without being in love wholeheartedly.

A feminist friend once expressed her contempt over another feminist in police department for crying over phone. And i was restless of the fact that she is in academics. I wait for a day when activists stop promoting any kind of false sense of self.

If our political people feels that crying is weakness I would happily be weak before them.

Do you know that one of the strongest friend of mine had her email id asking us to laugh and cry louder?


jenny rowena said...
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jenny rowena said...
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Surface said...

Inevitable. But a sign of struggle?